Welcome to the Neighbourhood + NYC

WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD + NYC - The best beer from the North West & New York all under one roof. Welcome To The Neighbourhood + NYC

Join us for Welcome To The Neighbourhood + NYC!

Last year's festival was a blast, celebrating local beer right in our Brewery's backyard. This year, we're taking it up a notch by inviting our friends from Finback and their curated list of incredible New York breweries. Get ready to savour the finest beers from both New York and the North West, all in one place!

That's not all - we'll have mouthwatering New York-style slices & pizza from Slice Culture and delicious hot dogs from Plattfields Market Garden. It's going to be special.


Location Track Brewing Co - Brewery & Taproom Unit 18 Piccadilly Trading Estate manchester M1 2NP
Event Ended Sun 27 Aug 2023
Website https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/welcome-to-the-neighbourhood-nyc-tickets-650633882457

Information is provided to the best of our knowledge, but please check with the festival organiser before attending as the details here may be inaccurate.


GeoLookup of location provided by OpenStreetMap

We don't have a beer list for this festival. If you know of one, please contact us at hello@alebeercider.uk

This website is not endorsed by the festival organisers, it's just something I put together which I thought might be useful. Bear in mind that the information provided here may be inaccurate.

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