Sunderland & South Tyneside CAMRA Beer, Cider and Music Festival

Planning for #Sundfest23 started last month & we can now confirm the 2023 event will be in September, from Thursday 14th to Saturday 16th. We are also taking the event on tour this year to Beggar’s Bridge Pub & Kitchen which is next door to East Boldon Metro Station. Hence the rebrand from Sunderland Beer & Cider Festival to SST CAMRA Beer & Cider Festival

Once again the 2023 event will feature a selection of cask ales, keykeg beers & real cider.

We plan once more to feature local music acts in a new location with good disabled access & an outdoor seating area we hope the event will be open & accessible to all.

More details to come as our planning progresses

Location Beggars Bridge, East Boldon, NE36 0AB
Event Ended Sat 16 Sep 2023
CAMRA Logo This festival is organised by the Campaign for Real Ale
Beer List See beer list hosted elsewhere

Information is provided to the best of our knowledge, but please check with the festival organiser before attending as the details here may be inaccurate.


GeoLookup of location provided by OpenStreetMap

We don't have a beer list for this festival. If you know of one, please contact us at

This website is not endorsed by the festival organisers, it's just something I put together which I thought might be useful. Bear in mind that the information provided here may be inaccurate.

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