Cloudwater Block Party

That's right - it's back. We had such a smashing time at our first Block Party that wanted to do it all again! Better yet, we've decided Block Party is here to stay. We'll be teaming up with our pals across our beer triangle each season.

Here's what you can expect from our Summer Block Party:

★ CLOUDWATER: Our guest breweries this time will be @gueuzetilquin & @Pollysbrewco. Delicious eats will be served up from our pals at @Iscawines as well as outside cooking from @thomas_mcmanus, (Anello & former The Moorcock Inn chef) with beats playing all day from Sounds Of Eighty Six

★ SURESHOT: At @sureshotbrewtap you'll find their pals from @Azvexbrewing with food provided by @thelittleSriLankan. Music will be kicking off from 4pm courtesy of @vinylnightradio

★ BALANCE: Our pals at @balancetaproom will be joined by @crossoverblendery and their barrel-aged delights

★ TRACK: You'll find @thebeakbrewery at @trackbrewingcotaproom, with delicious food being served up from @Porta_salford & @CharlieMacsDogs and music provided by @evesdropcollective

Entry is free and the party will be kicking off from midday on Saturday July 15th.

See you there 💥

Location Cloudwater Brew Co. 7-8 Piccadilly Trading Estate, Manchester, M1 2NP
Event Ended Sat 15 Jul 2023

Information is provided to the best of our knowledge, but please check with the festival organiser before attending as the details here may be inaccurate.


GeoLookup of location provided by OpenStreetMap

We don't have a beer list for this festival. If you know of one, please contact us at

This website is not endorsed by the festival organisers, it's just something I put together which I thought might be useful. Bear in mind that the information provided here may be inaccurate.

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