Boston Spa Beer Festival

Welcome to the ultimate celebration of brews, bites, and beats in Yorkshire! This is your one-stop destination for all things beer, where you can discover new flavours, and connect with fellow beer enthusiasts while enjoying the perfect blend of food and music in the heart of Boston Spa.

Location Boston Spa Village Hall, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 6AA
Event Ended Sat 22 Feb 2025

Information is provided to the best of our knowledge, but please check with the festival organiser before attending as the details here may be inaccurate.


GeoLookup of location provided by OpenStreetMap

Beer List

This beer list is tentative, please check at the festival for available beers as changes can occur before and during the festival.

Click for printable beer list




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Brewery Map

This website is not endorsed by the festival organisers, it's just something I put together which I thought might be useful. Bear in mind that the information provided here may be inaccurate.

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