22nd Clacton-on-Sea Real Ale & Cider Festival

Venue adjacent to West Cliff Theatre - 10-15 min walk from Rly Stn. 70+ real ales plus ciders, perries, Essex wines and overseas beers + free soft drinks for designated drivers. Hot/cold food most sessions. Souvenir glass.

Open: Wed 6-11pm and Thu-Sat 11am-11pm. FREE entry to card carrying CAMRA membs at all times, non-membs £2.50 entry to all non-music sessions, £3.50 for music sessions.

Ideally situated to combine with a visit to the fantastic Clacton-on-Sea Air Show. Live music on Thu + Sun eve, plus The ‘Blackwater Jazz Band’ on Sat afternoon.

For further info, contact Tracey Forshaw at bfo@clactonbeerfestival.org.uk or visit www.tendringcamra.org.uk

Location St James' Hall, Tower Rd, Clacton, CO15 1LF
Event Ended Sat 26 Aug 2017

Information is provided to the best of our knowledge, but please check with the festival organiser before attending as the details here may be inaccurate.


GeoLookup of location provided by OpenStreetMap

We don't have a beer list for this festival. If you know of one, please contact us at hello@alebeercider.uk

This website is not endorsed by the festival organisers, it's just something I put together which I thought might be useful. Bear in mind that the information provided here may be inaccurate.

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